COVID-19 LACOE - Curriculum & Instructional Services
Open Educational Resources
Self-Paced Online Courses
The Center for Distance and Online Learning offers self-paced online professional development courses for educators at no cost.
Technology Enhanced Arts Learning (TEAL)
The TEAL Arts-Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Integration online modules are designed for use by both pre-service and in-service teachers and administrators. The courses provide frequent, well-designed, and consistent opportunities for engagement in developmentally-appropriate practices. These modules are one component of the online toolkit created through the collaborative efforts of the LA County Office of Education's Center for Distance and Online Learning, the LA County Department of Arts and Culture, and premier arts and education organizations throughout the county.
Individual Enrollment
To request access to our online TEAL modules, please complete this form.
Group Enrollment
To request TEAL module access for your school, district, or charter network, please download the TEAL Group Enrollment spreadsheet and enter the requested information for all participants.
Please email the completed spreadsheet to the Center for Distance and Online Learning at
Student Mental Well-Being
Developed with support from the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) for the Region 11 K-12 Student Mental Health Initiative, these no-cost, self-paced course modules are designed for teachers, administrators, nurses, district and school mental health professionals. Additionally, all school site personnel are encouraged to take any or all of the Youth Suicide Prevention and Student Mental Well-Being course modules as a means to better understand this serious societal issue.
Individual Enrollment
To request access to our online Student Mental Well-Being modules, please complete this form.
Group Enrollment
To request Student Mental Well-Being module access for your school, district, or charter network, please download the SMWB Group Enrollment spreadsheet and enter the requested information for all participants.
Please email the completed spreadsheet to the Center for Distance and Online Learning at
Intentional Teaching for English Learners in the Integrated Classroom
Learn how to maximize instruction to push your English learners to deeper learning in both language development and content curriculum! Eight, 30-45 minute module takes you through all of the key instructional practices needed to break through the achievement gap of English learners. Work at your own pace, on your own time.
LACOE's Division of Curriculum and Instructional Services is offering each of our 80 Los Angeles County districts, and any other county office in the state, 50 enrollments at no cost.
County Charter Schools
Charter schools should speak with their authorizing agency or county office of education for participation.
Necessary Actions
In order to participate, your district must:
- Designate a local person to serve as a moderator or contact person. (This person will not have any instructional or grading responsibilities; they will be given the necessary access to run progress reports). This person will also be the local point of contact for communications regarding the program. Specific guidance for running reports is available from the following web resources:
- Download and complete this spreadsheet, rename it with your district in the file name (Example: itel_AlphUSD.xlsx) Your first entry should be the designated moderator or contact person. Please ensure the first name, last name and email address is correct for each user.
- Email the spreadsheet to: with the subject “Intentional Teaching for English Learners Enrollment”.
Please allow 1-2 working days for your staff members to be enrolled in the course. Once enrolled, each staff member will receive a welcome letter via email, complete with sign-on instructions, username, and password. We hope this provides you with some support as you navigate this difficult and rapidly evolving situation.